Case Study

How to Communicate With Employees

The political commitment to full employment is an important part of the framework within which divergent interest groups in developed market-economy countries have tried to promote economic progress with social justice. In countries with centrally planned economies, guaranteed employment is a basic principle–a right and duty of every citizen. In the developing world, steady remunerative […]

Pollution Causing Disease

Social change is about gaining resources to reduce human hardship, defending the weak from the strong, and striving to uphold an unbiased society. Again, it is about fighting for social and economical justice, respecting the environment and working to enhance civil liberties. Pollution is a social problem that involves the introduction of poisonous or harmful […]


Water is essential for human’s life. A person can live only three days without water. Since water is the primary resource, water quality is vital. The technological progress brought in the significant advances to the humanity. However, water pollution became the by-product of it. People use natural water resources for their own purposes, as well […]

Emirates Airlines

Porter’s 5 forces model is a management tool used by businesses to assist organizations have a clear view of the forces, either within the industry or outside the industry, that affect their business and strategies on how best they can have an edge with other businesses. Thus the 5 forces analyses deals with the industry’s […]

Police Misconduct

Thesis statement The ways police misconduct is handled in the United States of America has greatly aided the culture of continued and unpunished conduct of police against civilians. Proposed Outline Introduction A general overview of police misconduct What constitutes police misconduct A brief history General view of this behavior Major cases of police misconduct An […]

Eminent Domain

Economic development is a critical motivator of any government. Therefore, where economic development and provision of essential services are hindered the application of eminent domain is essential. Eminent domain facilitates the re-allocation of resources to where they are critically needed. The revitalization of economies, creation of needed infrastructure and employment opportunities are significant benefits of […]

Plugging in

The word “addiction” means a tendency to overindulge in any activity that creates some pleasurable within an individual. The essence of addiction is to search for a “high” that normal life does not supply in normal circumstance. Addicted individuals cannot function without the addictive substance thus increasing their inability. Such activities might include watching the […]

Elastic and Inelastic Price

Price elasticity is the degree of sensitivity of quantity of a commodity or a service that consumers demand, to a unit change in the price level of the commodity or service. Elasticity could be elastic or inelastic. An elastic commodity is the one that a unit reduction in its price level leads to a massive […]

Effects of Curtailing Imports

The U.S. trade deficit has been widening mostly due to the politically triggered imbalance with China. It is not a skillful idea to further cut down imports to the U.S. by 20% due to many reasons. For instance, China is the country that the U.S. fights most with to balance their trade. By cutting down […]

Playing with Polymers

Polymer is a material that contains numerous chemically bonded parts forming a unit. Polymer products have various distinct properties. These substances can be stretched, moulded, or broken depending on their molecular bonds’ strength. It is because of these properties that polymers are employed in making children’s’ toys (Buddies 1). Polymer products can be obtained in […]

Planned Change in a Department or Unit

Introduction Organizational change cannot be avoided; it is one of the significant critical success factors that an organization has to incorporate in its policies. Organizational change aims at motivating the employees to accept the changes which have to be implemented in the present business context (Kotler, 1996). Organizational change can include various concepts such as: […]

Economy of Greece

Greece is one of the ancient sophisticated nations in the universe, and for several decades, one of the most flourishing and successful. The nation of Greece is positioned in Southern Europe. Its position next to huge water bodies makes it major property for importing and exporting commodities to other nations. Being such a rich and […]


The transformation of the world into a global village has come with an array of positive aspects. Through globalization it has been possible to give and share knowledge and information for the good of the world and for the betterment of the human race. One of the ways by which spread and dissemination of information […]

Economy Final

United States of America has a population of about 313,847,465 people. The population of persons between the age of 16 and 64 is about 208,599,130. This is the active population which runs the economy around. Though the country is one of the world’s biggest economies the unemployment rate is still a national problem. Americans who […]

Plagiarism as an Ethical Issue in Engineering

Plagiarism is defined as the wrongful adoption, close limitation or publication of another author’s dialect, thoughts or terminologies, and then representing them as one’s own original work. It refers to the illegal act of purporting one’s original creation, especially in relation to the publication field, to be of one’s own creation. Though this act is […]

Economy and Need for International Cooperation

When most people talk of globalization, it is taken for granted that this is a new phenomenon. The starting point for most people who support the globalization thesis is around the break up of the Soviet Union. Advocates of globalization argue that it arose out of the ashes of the bipolar world. That now serious […]

Plagiarism and academic dishonesty

Plagiarism occurs in many forms. One of them is a situation whereby a student presents a paper that he has not written. Plagiarism occurs in the form of paraphrasing or quoting a text from some source and failing to acknowledge the source. If one fabricates data and creates references that are not true, he is […]

Economic Terms and Health Care History

Introduction Economics refers to a science that specializes on the concept of scarcity. When it is applied in the health care industry, it refers to the universal desire to achieve value for money by not only ensuring the clinical effectiveness but also cost effectiveness of healthcare provision (Haycox, 2009). The main aim of this essay […]

Economics Questions

a). With an increase in aggregate demand the resulting equilibrium will be at point B, where the AD2 curve intersect with the LRAS curve. The corresponding equilibrium price will be at point P2, this imply an increase in the price level from P1 to P2. The economy will adjust to the initial long run equilibrium […]


Plagiarism is a broad concept that involves the use of another person’s words and thoughts without giving the originator due credit. In writing, plagiarism may entail repeating another person’s words, paraphrasing someone else’s arguments or even presenting someone else’s line of thinking without acknowledging that person. Regardless of whether one copies a single phrase or […]

Economics Personal Statement

People in this world are like tiny little wheels. Each of these wheels is dependent and is influenced by some other wheels. The ‘wheel’ that has influenced me the most is my father, who was once a banker. He plays a major role in establishing and developing my view of life and view of value […]

Physics for Presidents

1. What are the advantages of the “Metric” system of units over the “English” system? Are there any advantages to the “English” system? When using the metric system, it is easier to change measurements than when using the English system (Guenthner, 2008). This is because the metric system uses the powers of 10s. As such, […]

Economic Situation in India

Dear Prime Minister/President here is my report on the state of the Indian economy. What I recommend to deal with the situation is contained in the report that I will present here today. India has been experiencing a steady economic growth for the past few years. The country has recorded an average economic growth rate […]

Physician-assisted Suicide Issue

The subject of physician-assisted is one of the most controversial subjects in the modern world. There are questions as to whether this should obtain legal recognition or not. As per the current statistical figures, it stands that an overwhelming majority oppose the legitimization and public acceptance of this vital medical option. This is in spite […]

The World’s Financial System

IntroductionThe world’s financial system has a complex structure that includes different institutions such as banks, insurance companies, stock and bond markets, as well as mutual funds. These institutions are regulated by the government. Financial system channels billions of money from savers to those who have productive investment opportunities. There are eight basic concepts, knowledge of […]

Physician Assisted Suicide

By definition, Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS) means terminating one’s life willingly by use of a lethal substance. A physician may assist in this process either indirectly or directly. During this process, the physician prescribes certain medication to a competent patient with the prime aim of putting an end to patient’s life. (, 2004)The issue of Physician-Assisted […]

Physical Effects of Abortion

Abortion leads to death of mothers. This can be instant during the act, or at a later stage in life. Finland researcher in the year 2000 found that women who perform abortion have less chances of living in the following year than women who carry their children to birth ( The causes of deaths are […]

Economic Recession in the UK

Scotland is a country located in the UK at large. During the earlier 1990’s, a given system emerged in the UK whereby Scotland, in particular some of its constituencies, were given self-governance within themselves. It has 59 members of parliament representing the Scottish constituencies at Westminster on various issues such as constitution, protection, security, pensions, […]

Phonology Assignment

Introduction The learner Mohammed is a thirty years old Saudi-Arabian student who currently studies English in the UK before joining the university there. He considers learning English as an international language to be very practical for a couple of reasons: he would like to be an English teacher, he enjoys learning new things about other […]

Economic Recession and Unemployment

Introduction Generally speaking, economy of a country is in recession not only when it is functioning with low capacity, but when it is directly shrinking. The phenomena that comprise this shrinkage can be various and obscure, so there is no way to say undoubtedly which of them indicates the recession. Two successive quarters of decreasing […]