
ay December 5, 2014My Grandma Helen Keller stated, “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the hear (Keller). “I was 13 when my grandma passed away and she was 96 years old i felt upset and heartbroken because she was my best friend. Much like Helen Keller overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate,I to overcame my obstacle of grief of death of my grandma. Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate.

When Helen was a baby, she got sick and became blind and deaf.The Keller’s hired Annie Sullivan to teach Helen.Annie was able to teach Helen trust,obedience,and language to overcome her obstacle. Like Helen Keller, I also had to overcome the loss of my grandmother.My grandmother was a big part of my life, and I would visit her everyday and take care of her.

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I was 13 years of age when my grandmother passed away.I had to learn to accept her death. Through this, I knew that I had the strength to overcome the obstacle of making new friends. Although our obstacles were different, we share a few similarities.Helen and I share being strong with facing our difficulties .Also,another similarity is that we don’t give up.

Helen’s story shows that anything is possible. Helen keller had to overcome the obstacle of communicating, and I had to overcome the grief from grandma’s death.I learned from Helen that life is precious and to not give up on trying to face my fears.My obstacle taught me that it is pretty easy to make new friends.Helen Keller states that,”Faith is the strenght by which as skattered world shall emerge into the light’ (Keller).
