Responsibilities Job Duties Robin Hood

Responsibilities/Job Duties Robin Hood: CEO Head of the entire organization Main decision-maker Appoints tasks to his lieutenants Oversees all other departments Will Scarlet: Director of Intelligence In charge of Intelligence Responsible for scouting Collecting information from the opposition Determine the travel plans of rich merchants and tax collectors Little John: Director of Discipline/Archery Responsible for enacting disciplinary measures on the rest of the men Trained the Merry Men in archery Maintained the professional skill levels of the men Sherlock: Director of Finances Accounting Conversion of loot to cash

Payment of shares Scouting for appropriate locations to hide resources till needed Much, the miller’s son: Director of Provisions Responsible for providing food, beverage, clothing, and other necessities for the Merry Men 3) Perform a basic SOOT analysis on Robin Hood and his situation (see page 75-78 In eBook for details on SOOT analysis).

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List the top 3-4 strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that Robin Hood and his men face.

Strengths: Each team member has his own expertise, like intelligence, discipline, archery, accounting, and provisions Robin Is an excellent and effective leader who sees much loyalty from the townsfolk The Merry Men Is fully established In the community The Merry Men are strong due to their massive and continually growing numbers Weaknesses: Depletion AT Too Ana supplies Owe to ten Increasing morsels opportunity Tort spies Prince John supports the sheriff, not Robin Even though membership is increasing, revenue is declining Opportunities: A fixed transit tax could be implemented to quickly raise revenues They should accept the Baron’s invitation to be a part of their quest in collecting the King’s ransom which would relieve the concern about provisions There is a large opportunity for expansion to various regions of Sherwood Forest to enhance revenue Killing the sheriff and putting an end to his reign could be effective Downsize the Merry Men to alleviate expenses Threats: Wealthy merchants are finding alternative routes which incurs greater costs The sheriffs entourage is growing tougher and is considerably more organized than Robin Hood’s.

Since the band’s size is increasing, it’s becoming more difficult to hide themselves in Sherwood Forest Additionally, with the increase in size, provisions are becoming scarce Accepting the transit tax could cause local farmers to withdraw heir support 4) Do Robin Hood and the Mermen need a new plan? Is continuing with the present course of action an option or is that now obsolete? Yes, they definitely need a new strategy in order to deal with and respond to what is happening with their high costs, low provisions, and the Sheriffs powerful connections which are serving to increase pressure on the Merry Men. A better objective for the band would be to alleviate Nottingham of the corrupt activities being pushed on them by the King and Sheriff. 5) What is your opinion about expanding the band’s operations to a larger area round Sherwood Forest as a way of solving these problems? Why or why not is this a good idea?

I believe that in expanding to band to various geographical regions all over the area is a good idea, but will necessitate a major restructuring of the Merry Men. Additionally, specialists and experts should be recruited into the band, which will eventually increase revenue, profit, and cash flow.

Expansion to a larger area, then, is a good idea, however, perhaps it should not be the first strategy employed. I don’t think this should be the band’s primary goal because although it should finitely be happening in the near future, I feel that the main priority Robin Hood should pursue is restructuring his organization by ensuring that various members are responsible for maintaining and developing membership policies and that all members are receiving appropriate provisions.

Finally, he must seek to rescue King Richard, thereby restoring power to those to whom it rightfully belongs. 6) Do you think make sense to impose a fixed transit tax to counter the decline in revenues? Why or why not? I think it could work, but only within certain circumstances. Initially, the mission of he Merry Men must be clear, efficient, and achievable.

They should outline their reasons Tort Telling ten sunbelt Ana Nils malnutrition, as well as tenet aisle to take from the rich to share with the poor. They should also explain how (and if) these two goals are related. If the fight is with the sheriff, then imposing the tax on the townsfolk will defeat the objectives of the Merry Men.

If their argument is the inequality between the stations, then imposing this transit tax may actually benefit the poor with continuous financial support. 7) What are the pros and cons of accepting the offer of the Barons to assist in securing King Richards release from prison? Do you think this is a good plan? Why or why not? If they choose to assist the baron in restoration of King Richards power, there will be several benefits as well as many negative consequences. The mission of Robin Hood and his Merry Men is highly dangerous, and is made even more treacherous with the increase of spies sent by King John.

Failure of the plan would lead to some very grave consequences and retribution would be quick, painful, and widespread.

Pros King Richard would have the ability to respond to the needs and concerns of the secants The Sheriffs threat will be lessened since he won’t be in complete power any more With everything being done on a fairer scale, there would be no need any more to rob the rich to give to the poor Cons Robin Hood’s plan would be extremely dangerous and the retributions from the King and the Sheriff would be devastating There would be great risk to all of the bands’ objectives and desires The Barons and the King most likely cannot be trusted 8) Should they try and end the campaign by killing the sheriff? Why or why not? No, I don’t feel that murder is the solution. Robin has thought about this course of action o that the feud can end, however, he decided against it because it wouldn’t lead to improving matters, only revenge and personal satisfaction. The sheriff would only be replaced, and perhaps his replacement would be even worse and he would be pushing for revenge against the Merry Men. 9) What course of action of the 4 opportunities you analyzed would you recommend to Robin?

Be specific about why you chose this and how it helps with the threats/ problems you identified in your SOOT analysis.

I believe that Robin Hood should take the baron’s offer in order to be successful in their achievement of the organization’s objectives, as well as to return the community to a moral and law-abiding status. 10) Make a list of the top four or five specific action steps (tactics) that he needs to take in order to implement this plan and turn it into action, not Just words. (review the Course Overview Powering presentation for clarification on the difference between a plan (strategy) and the action steps (tactics) to make the plan happen.

If you correctly list the action steps, then if the action steps are all followed, then the plan becomes implemented and goals are accomplished. 1.

Robin should send a few f his most trusted and responsible men to the barons for an initial consultation to talk over a prospective alliance. 2. Term 1 of the agreement to discuss: Barons (the investors) are responsible for supplying strategy, a working knowledge base of the court system, logistical needs, Ana supplies. 3 leer 2 AT ten agreement to De discussed: Robin Hood and his Merry Men (the workforce) are responsible for supplying the manpower to assist in raising ransom monies, as well as implementation of the plan. 4.

Robin Hood must set aside his own concerns and issues so that his visions of the future are not obscured. 5. Through this new plan, changes in the mission statement, operation structuring, and personnel management might increase the Merry Men’s chance of survival and success in their mission. 6. Rescue the King 1 1) Show a new organization chart for Robin Hood and his men, based on whatever new course of action you recommend in question 9. Write each person’s name and what they are responsible for doing.

12) Think about what Robin Hood will say to his men, and complete this short speech: “Men, I know you have been wondering what we are going to do about our situation.

I have Just come from a meeting with the leaders of this band. We are going to take the following actions immediately to help address our situation: First, we will complete a SOOT on our entire organization. Second, we will analyze the SOOT results and design a plan to achieve our goals. Third, we will implement our plan, constantly observing and evaluating for potential need for change. For the long term, what we want to do is grow together as a team working toward the same goals in a productive and effective fashion.

Want I want each of you to do this week is provide me with your honest and critical observations, suggestions, and concerns. “
