Business Essays

Marilyn Monroe Biography

“When you speak of the American way of life, everybody thinks of chewing gum, coca-cola, and Marilyn Monroe. ” Published from the Russian magazine, Nedvela. Marilyn Monroe is known all across the world as a beautiful inspiration. She is a role model to people of all ages and places. All of her actions followed by […]

Introductory Paragraph to Mesopotamian and Egyptian Civilizations

In 3,500 BCE along the Euphrates and Nile rivers two separate civilizations were emerging. Along the Euphrates, large villages such as Eridu, Erech, Lagash, Kish, Ur and Babylonia became more productive river valleys, which became known as Mesopotamia. The Egyptian civilization was located along the Nile River. Both civilizations originated around the same time period. […]

The New Addition

I didn’t believe her when she first told me. It was impossible, she had to be lying. I walked over to where my mom was sitting with her best friend Melis, talking about whatever grownups talked about. “You’re not pregnant, right?” I asked, sure that she’d reply with a no and be surprised I’d even […]


Tornadoes are scary and horrible to see to anyones eyes. They will destroy everything in the sight. Ecosystems are ruined during a tornado even after due to fires and debris. Tornadoes are “rotating columns of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud. They are often referred […]

Emotions and Beautiful Music

Emotions are the entire universe within oneself. They are humanity at its essence. So why look at them as any less? I’ve discovered throughout my own personal development that treating each piece of music like a different being, alive, moving at a unique pace, full of vivid emotion, and fully prepared to tell its own […]

The Effects Of Social Media On Our Society

Social media has been around since John Locke, “Common Sense”, and Martin Luther “Ninety-five Theses”. This gave the “average joe” a voice. This set the pace for civil right acts, revolutions, and a public voice. The internet, is what has shaped and molded the social media we used today. Only have been around for thirty […]


The sky is split open by a massive, powerful streak of energy, and seconds later, the very air is ripped apart by the roar of thunder. During storms, lightning occurs when an electrical current flows through a cloud. The way lightning appears can differ, from a single streak to the legendary ball lightning. (Pfeffer 14-17). […]

How do Cosmetic Surgeries and Beauty Intertwine from a Woman’s Aspect?

Beauty is one of the most important things women look for in someone. Whether it is beauty in another person’s body or the beauty of their own bodies, women of the world have become judgemental and have been raised to only look at the beauty aspect of the world. As a result of this 91 […]

De Facto Segregation

The purpose of this research paper was to examine the effects, outcomes, and how to solve the problem of de facto segregation in schools, cities, towns, and in the United States in general. Most of the research was taken from databases and examples from articles and books were also used. Each of these factors was […]

Dysfunctional Families vs. Functional Families

What is the difference between a functional family and a dysfunctional family? The answer is simple: one family functions. The other doesn’t. Why is this, you might ask? Well, that’s a little more complicated. A dysfunctional family, on one hand, is described as a family in which the members negatively impact each other’s physical and […]

Stuck in the Middle

Stuck in the Middle “AJ! Come back!. ..AJ!… ” The howling wind was the only response to my cries. How could he do this to me? How could he abandon his own little brother, who he grew up protecting at all costs, like it was nothing? I always tried to be just like my older […]

War and Marriage

They say life is too short, yet it is the longest amount of time a single individual can go through. Although everyone has a different a path in life, sometimes their paths can cross in one way or another. Two completely different people from differents background might face similar obstacles in life that help both […]

Education Is Important

According to, an average high school dropout will earn about $260,000 less than high school graduates and $800,000 less than college graduates will in their lifetime. This is because of education and how far it can get you in life and your career. Many students ask themselves why they are at school and think […]

Banned Books

Banned Books On a rainy Friday afternoon, Jimmy laid in his bed when thunder struck out of the blue. He immediately thought, “Why are books banned?”He had this crazy thought because he was reading a book earlier in the day called “The Catcher in the Rye”. So he ran downstairs and asked his dad, who […]

Japanese History Essay Outline

Analyze the changes an continuities in Japanese history from the 8th through the 15th centuries CE in terms of political systems, economic systems, OR culture. 1. Thesis: The changes in Japan’s culture in the centuries between 8th and 15th CE is seen in its weakened influence with China as it established its own culture, such […]

The Wave Goodbye to my Swimsuit

The sun poured through the air, casting its rays on my tanning skin. I tilted my head up toward the cloudless, sapphire sky, hearing the hustling waves swim to the shore and slowly trickle back. Children built sand castles and splashed in the waves, squealing when the unfamiliar water temperature froze their skin. Headphones in, […]

An Act that Time Forgot

“It is amazing and appalling how many people have been duped by such communist schemes as fluoridation and MENTAL HEALTH,” declared an L. A. billboard in the mid 1950s (Torrey 121). During that decade, a wave of anti-communism swept across America, and people started ‘seeing Red.’ Many Americans associated Communism with oppression and fear, causing […]

The Science Behind Science Fiction

“If at first an idea doesn’t sound absurd, then there is no hope for it”-Albert Einstein This inane yet cogent statement, coming from the very lips of the ultimate imperator of physics, proves the fact that the ideas forming the very foundations of physics, originally started out as laughing matters which were thoroughly denied by […]

How Social Media Has Saved Lives

“People no longer know how to write. Its is a society in which fewer and fewer people read. What they do write tends to be short messages in a sort of meta language, with meta spelling, on Twitter and Facebook.” The english professor Dr. David Abulafia says in regards to Twitter and Facebook. I personally […]

“As a student of humanities”

Only an arts and humanities student can be familiar with the hostility with which they are treated in the city of Kota. Kota, as a landmark for IIT and AIPMT/AIIMS coaching institutes, is primarily a city of science aspirants. Arts to them, is a choice of utter buffoons and morons where no reasonable person would […]

The Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles is one of the greatest, most interesting, and beautiful pieces of art in history. The patron of the magnificent building is Louis XIV, a King of France in the Baroque period (17th century). Inside the Palace, many artistic decisions were made, that reflected Louis’ wishes. Some of these wishes include, but […]

Students Prepare for College

The time has come for high school students to start thinking and planning their futures. For juniors and seniors, it’s important to take the classes that will help with college. Most students take classes that focus on their career and subjects that will help find their major in college. Arrowhead allows you to choose different […]

The Pleasures of Life Through the Eyes of Kurt Vonnegut

In the famous works of Kurt Vonnegut, and a few of his short stories and his decades, the wonders and pleasures of life appear to be present, even in the tiniest of sentences and the longest of paragraphs, Kurt Vonnegut always adds some sense of living life and joy. In Cat’s Cradle, written in 1963,a […]

Biking In Houston

Biking In Houston It would be difficult to find someone in Houston who thought our city was “bike-friendly.” In Houston you would hear about how people who ride bikes are being killed and many hit-and-runs happening. Lots of Houston drivers would say than it’s the bikers fault for not looking out and they should be […]

Lemon Poppyseed Bread

A lemon, sour and bitter, changes when my grandma mixes the ingredients together.Her lemon poppyseed bread makes lemon seem so fresh. It relaxes my body. The glaze adds more flavor and makes it irresistible. It is the perfect dessert. My grandma’s lemon poppyseed bread is an amazing treat I look forward to every year. It […]


Helen Keller stated, ” The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart. ” When I was around twelve years old, My dad and I were tired of waiting around the house for my mom to get home from work so we decided to […]

The Man with the Skewed Thoughts vs. the Man with the Straight Facts

Everyone in the world is either a realist, a romantic, or a combination of the two. A word to describe romanticism is ignorance. Ignorance can come in the form of avoidance of the truth for ones own benefit or satisfaction. Romantic people lie to themselves, pretending that everything is wonderful despite being in a world […]

Banned By the Boards

Although a felony offense in all 50 states, organized dog fights still take place in many parts of the country. In some urban areas especially, dogfighters have formed a strong subculture. Dogs that fight are bred and conditioned to never give up when they are fighting, even if it means that they will be badly […]

Do We Really Need A Brain?

While I was procrastinating my school work and browsing through Youtube videos at 2:00 in the morning, I came across a captivating link. Out of my irresistible curiosity, I clicked on the 11-minute video, which left me in shock for the next three days. What I came across was a neuroscientist-confirmed statement that our brain […]

Effects on a Grassland Ecosystems

According to Boval and Dixon, grasslands are important as they make up 26 percent of total land area and 80 percent of agriculturally productive land. Unfortunately, invasive species are a threat to grasslands around the world. There are also other threats to grasslands: when droughts occur in grasslands, we lose crops that the farmers grow […]