Business Essays

Language of the Future: Emoji and Shortcut Words Does Not Make People Lazy

Teenagers at the age of middle school and high school, they use a lot of social media to chat with people around us. Those teenagers uses emoji to express their feeling and they also learn different kinds of words that are short. For example “are” had been used as “r” and “you” have been used […]

Advocate for Your Right to be Happy

To Whom it May Concern: I am a current senior in high school and I am also a strong advocate for anti-bullying. I had talked with a guidance councilor previously about starting a club at my school to recognize any bullying problem and the anti-bullying league, and got no results. This is why I am […]

Are Gun Control Laws in the U.S. Really Protecting Us?

The gun control laws in the U.S. are unconstitutional and, instead of protecting us like they were made to do, are very hazardous. Gun control laws make it very difficult to be able to protect oneself in emergencies. This is very ironic considering gun control laws are made to protect us citizens. So for all […]

Critical analysis on “A good man is hard to find”

There is always a time in someone’s life when all the decisions they make and how they treat others tend to catch up with them. The question is, is when will it catch up to them. For the story A Good Man is Hard to Find it definitely caught up to the main character sooner […]

Kill the Violence

No parent in their right mind would ever even dream of handing their child a loaded gun. The thought alone is ludicrous. However, many parents unknowingly do just that. 72% of American households play video games (Industry Facts 1); games that often simulate killing. By allowing their children to play violent video games, parents are […]

Typhoid Fever: The Disease that Just Keeps Spreading, Just Keeps Spreading

Typhoid fever is a continuous traveling disease that is common in particular parts of the world. Along with paratyphoid fever, typhoid fever is a type of intestinal fever. This harmful disease was discovered in 1880 by Karl Joseph Eberth, who found the triggering bacteria in the stomach. Each year typhoid infects millions and millions of […]

Essay 9

Chandler Madray 1Prompt: Genes are located on chromosomes and are the basic unit of heredity that is passed from parent to offspring, through generations. (a) Explain how a chromosome mutation could occur and why mutations are detrimental to the organism in which they take place. (b) Explain why it is that- although there are few […]

Lord Of the Flies

In the novel, Lord of The Flies by William Golding, the boys take a turn for the worse, transforming from innocent boys into determined savages . There are many things that cause this, but the main problem is Jack Merridew. Jack does not care, the least bit about the other boys, he believes that he […]

Cybernetic Immortality

Ever since the beginning of humanity, the strive for immortality has been entrenched deep in our thoughts. Now, that dream may come true. Dmitry Itskov, a Russian internet millionaire, is the founder of the 2045 Initiative, a scientific project to make ‘cybernetic immortality'(immortality through artificial intelligence) possible in the next few decades through uploading the […]

Mental Torture!!!

It must have occurred to our ancestors, that physical harassment was starting to become very boring and would soon run out of fashion! The great thinkers must have held an intellectual gathering, about this crisis. They must have been in deep thought when,voila! An idea flashed through one of the bold and imaginative thinkers. And […]

Profiles In Courage

Throughout American history, many individuals stood up for their rights as human beings and the rights of the American people. In the book, Profiles in Courage, by John F. Kennedy, Kennedy highlights key individuals who were firm in their views in politics and the American Dream. The right choices are not always the most popular […]

The Black Death

“They died by the hundreds, both day and night, and all were thrown in … ditches and covered with earth. And as soon as those ditches were filled, more were dug. And I, Agnolo di Tura . .. buried my five children with my own hands … And so many died that all believed it […]

Building my PC

Building my computer Have you ever built a 850 dollar gaming computer in your life? It was a hot summer evening, my Dad and I had just finished cutting the dead palm fronds off of the palm tree. My Dad and I went to Panera as usual after we ate, as I ordered I remembered […]

Their Eyes Were Watching God: Analyzing Relationships

We live in a society full of expectation. We are expected to graduate from high school, get a job, and get married. Women are taught from childhood to dream of marriage and to add it as a major goal for their future. They are read Cinderella as they play house and left at that. They […]

How to make your summer academically enjoyable

By this time, my work here on Teen Ink has encompassed a few topics under the field of academia. I believe that academics can truly enable one’s self to succeed in today’s globally connected world. The world is emerging out of its shell into a more technologically advanced place of living. Researchers in public health […]

The Human Legacy: Plastic in the Oceans

At least once a year, Union County, KY experiences a flood, and every year the Ohio River swells and usurps the once dry shore.Several years ago, as the water finally subsided after one such flood, my family went to the river to collect the driftwood that washed up on the bank. What seemed especially strange, […]

What If This Was You

2,300,000, that’s the number of how many animals were used in educational, medical and product experimentation in 1993, according to the Animal Care Annual Report of Activities: fiscal year 2007.These animals were often subjected to extremely painful experiments without any kind of drug to alleviate the pain, and many times these tests were inconclusive and […]

Bye, Buzzing Bees

As a child, I used to visit my family’s bee farm. There was no greater joy than tasting the fresh, sweet honey dripping from an apiary. Many pleasant memories were made on that farm as I watched the hardworking bees pollinate the wildflowers of the area. It was inspiring to see such small creatures work […]

The Government Is Taking Action

On October 4th the first student government meeting will begin.To several students, this is very important. Lots of students want to make an impact on the school. In student government, they do team building activities, fun party and at the end of the school year, they go to Stonefire Pizza.This is a fun opportunity for […]

Summary of Paulo Chehlo's The Alchemist

Paulo Chelho’s The Alchemist, presents readers with a philosophy, The philosophy is that everyone has a “personal legend” they must find that will lead them to happiness and joy. However, we have the choice to follow our “personal legend”. Ironically, the characters in this book seem to contradict this philosophy. They do not make choices […]

Poor or Rich? Poor and Rich!

From Pablo Picasso’s perspective, “I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.” This may sound contradictory at first, but what he really means is that it is better for people to live an abstemious life, only buying basic necessities and using the rest of the money in a wiser way, like […]

My Name Essay

In Hebrew, my name means “God saves”. However, to me, it means goody two-shoes. It is a faberge egg. It is an elaborate painting. My name is fancy dinners and elegant parties. A Joshua doesn’t yell fun and exciting. Instead, a Joshua politely exclaims and remarks. My name is like a Rolls Royce; it is […]

Lessons from the Little Match Girl

The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Anderson is classified as a Grimm Fairy Tale. “Many grimm fairy tales were originally written or narrated for adults, as folk tales representative of various cultures” (Helium 1). Hans Christian Anderson based many of his stories off of his mother’s hardships as a child. The Little Match Girl […]

Sinking of Ocean Liners Early in the 20th Century

After the Titanic sunk, many other ocean liners were lost in World War I. Some were the same Olympic class design as the Titanic. One was the very ship that rescued survivors of the Titanic, the Carpathia. The HMHS Britannic was one of the Olympic-class ocean liners. It was the biggest and last ship to […]

Review of The Sports Taboo

I chose to review the story The Sports Taboo by Malcolm Gladwell because I can relate to the theme of this short story, sports. It deals with sports and how they’re incorporated into people’s lives.This story argues that certain people of different ethnic or cultural background perform better at certain sports than others. The author […]

Materialism in America

Materialism, like capitalism, is a defining factor of the American way of life. As with all things, materialism has its good and bad points. It is a trend that paints the American picture. It gives a perception of wealth and prosperity. However, it is commonly a shallow depiction of reality. The possession of things does […]

A Chance for Children

Around the world, every few seconds a child is being born. Each and every one of these children are given a life full of opportunity, a chance to obtain happiness, hope to light the path to the future, and imagination to shape the world; however not all are given that chance. Perhaps the most virulent […]

The Sports Taboo review

I chose this story because I am an athlete myself and I know a lot about most sports. I have been playing sports for about eight years on an actual team, but I have been playing sports almost every day about all my life. Another reason why I chose this topic was because it is […]

Did Love Die in a Bloody Brotherhood?: Romeo and Juliet vs. West Side Story

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Laurents’s West Side Story are two of the best classics of star-crossed lovers. From the cramped city streets of Verona, Romeo and Juliet is a drama of two rivaling families, the Capulets and the Montagues. The cramped city streets of New York City have their own deadly rivalries between two […]

Fairytale Fluff

I had lived my youth like many children do, spending time watching movies and hearing stories with happily ever after endings. This belief followed my mentality into my preteen and teen years as well. I had undoubtedly believed everything always works out for the best, that was, until, the truth hit me like bus. It […]