College Essays

SAT Trouble Free Essay Example

What was the purpose of the SATs? Are they still a reasonable way to test our knowledge? The SATs were originally created to test the knowledge of high school students. This test forced most schools to adopt a common curriculum and made it easier to test mass amounts of students. At the time the SATs […]

My Opinion On School Free Essay Sample

We all think that the stereotype of school is bad, full of bullies, blah blah blah. For those of you that think that, you might actually wanna try school and listen to people not just show up and be bored. School is the place to learn to have a good future. You can decide to […]

The Merit of Unopposed Evolution Theory in Schools

“Galileo should have been burned at the stake for advocating ‘we should believe our eyes instead of the Bible!’” (Anonymous commenter “Is creationism important…?”). As represented by this statement, some Christians feel creationism is necessary for upholding the truth of the Bible. A challenge to the Bible in our nation’s public schools represents a challenge […]

Free Essay on Young and Free

High school holds some of the best years of a person’s life. We are young! We are the youth of America! There are so many opportunities ahead of us that we can pursue with hard work and ambition on our side. Those of us who work hard, will without a doubt go the furthest. How […]

School lunches Free Essay Sample

Lunch is an important meal of the day and it is eaten at school. It boosts our metabolism and gives us energy for the rest of the day. But it’s probably one of the biggest problems at our school. We are advised to eat healthy but we can’t always do that with the choices that […]

Essay on Personality’s

I believe that the world is filled with people who are assholes, people who are evil, people who are good, people who are vindictive, and people who are religious through and through, but no matter what people will always find something in common and will always be able to talk to each other and will […]

Textbooks vs Tablets

Old fashioned textbooks have been used for centuries. Thousand of textbooks used in elementary, middle, high schools, in colleges, med school, for about any subject from reading to math to science textbooks. Basically, all schools have some sort of textbooks that students use to help them with their studies. Now, everyday new technology is being […]

Should Homework be Optional? – Free Essay

With stacking statistics proving damaging effects of stress on teens, it’s shocking that teens are still given up to five or more hours of homework a night, while statistically, academic pressure is a leading cause of stress in teens.The majority of parents and teachers believe that homework is a student’s opportunity to reinforce or practice […]

The Flaws of Homework Free Essay Sample

Almost every teacher gives homework, while almost no student likes to do homework. Homework can be a good thing and can be used for practice, but it can also be a bad thing. When homework is given students are just sent home to the work, but have you ever thought about what happens if they […]

Educator of the Year 2011

Mr. Limmina is my favorite teacher that I have had so far because he is an all around great guy. He is my favorite teacher that I have had so far because he knows how to teach and had funny catch lines. One reason why I chose Mr. Limmina is because he is very funny […]

Book is analogy to my life

An analogy to my life is a book. A book has a broad number of possibilities. Books can be science fiction, realistic fiction, historical fiction, biography, autobiography, expository, persuasive, and really anything you want it to be. Books are like birds. Birds have thousands of different species, yet no one species is “better” than the […]

Education Reform

“We’re going to start this year with a review of fractions!” The fact that my sister is hearing that sentence in fifth grade is discouraging. Her class hasn’t even started utilizing variables, though my fourth-grade cousin in India is solving quadratic equations. Still, we continue to ask ourselves why American children are becoming less interested […]

Apush – American History

Earlier this year, Oklahoma made news by deciding to stop the funding of the AP United States history course by a vote of 11-4. The UC Irvine school newspaper claims that, they felt that the course spent too much time on the “plights of the marginalized groups ” and not enough on the “valiance and […]

What Will You Have at the End of Your Life?

In today’s world, people are following the rapid trend of life and tend to forget its value. Unfortunately, I was one of those people. I used to choose things which are easy for me, and by all means, I have to make them come true. However, that is not what life is about. Thanks to […]

The Ideal Education Free Essay

School – a word revered by adults and dreaded by children. School can shape children’s futures, influence important decisions and transform society. Needless to say, education has a massive impact on our everyday lives. However, there are many issues in our current schooling system. These problems may seem trivial, but if they were removed from […]

Sometimes all you need is time Free Essay Example

That awkward stage in your life. For me it was in middle school the time no one wants to mention, more like the time every one wants to forget what happened. My first year 6th grade seemed ok nothing horrible happened. There was this group of friends I would always hang out with but towards […]

School is for learning, not fashion Narrative Essay

When I was younger I couldn’t wait until I didn’t have to wear a school uniform, but when I was finally allowed to wear what I wanted to I realized it wasn’t at all what I thought it would be. The girls like to bend the rules until their about ready to break if they’re […]

Essay on to the Future Heart Attacks

I approach you calmly in this article to discuss your stress levels. I am specifically talking to you the over caffeinated teenager (not to underwrite my caffeine intake). I see you in the halls rushing to class praying to the almighty that you get to class a little early to cram in the few problems […]

Short Essay about Study

Anthony Canestrari10/11/12EducationAs I sat on my couch and watched the recent presidential debate with my my mom and dad. I asked my dad, “how much education do you think these candidates have to go through to be in a position to be president?” He said that, “they have to go to school way longer than […]

Argumentative Essay on School Accessory

School uniforms are a positive accessory to schools. It’s proven that public school who have switched to uniforms have their students average GPA increase and the reduction of bullying. But many students who don’t wear school uniforms say its is “stupid” or “against my rights”. It may be, but it also has made students more […]

Essay on Homework Has a Limit

Students should receive less homework. Everyone likes to go home at the end of the day and rest. Kids do not like to have to go back home to face more work. Sometimes the work at school is too complex and the teachers don’t spend long periods of time discussing that topic especially in advanced […]

Free Essay on What Age? 16? 18? – Free Essay

I think that you should be age 16 to have all of your responsibilities, well most of them anyways. Which ones would you suggest are ok to have? I think that if your 16, you should be able to at least get a job babysitting, or getting a job at a public shop. Some people […]

Argumentative Essay on Thug Activist Free Essay Sample

High school students should study some things that are relievent, right? Throughout high school we learn about Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, Mandela, and so on, but why aren’t schools learningabout someone they can relate to or someone they will more than likely become? The top person I’m thinking about is Tupac. Tupac was born […]

The Homework Revolution

A young girl sits at her desk, reviewing her homework assignments for the evening. English: read three chapters and write a journal response. Math: complete 30 problems, showing all work. Science: do a worksheet, front and back. French: study vocabulary for tomorrow’s test. It’s going to be a long night. This describes a typical weeknight […]

No more SAT! Free Essay Sample

Formerly known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test and then as the Scholastic Assessment Test, the SAT is no longer an acronym: it does not stand for anything. Now it is simply known as the SAT I. The College Board, the administration behind the SAT I, the SAT II, the AP Exams, and numerous other standardized […]

Do Teachers Try

People say that school is just a small part of your life, and before you know it it will be over. But, maybe school will be over for some kids even sooner than you know it. People say that school should be fun, and enjoy it while it last, but could adults not realize that […]

Rejection Cycle

(Insert word here) is the root of all heartache.Many a philosopher, poet, thinker, and average Joe have taken a swing at filling out that blank. Well, give me the bat and add “college student” to the list. Our thoughts are in a constant flux, subconsciously forming and branching off in multiples by the minute, but […]

Pets in the Classroom Narrative Essay

Having pets in the classroom is something many parents and teachers argue about.Many people are allergic to some animals which is why people say they shouldn’t be in a classroom. Other say that you should have pets in theclassroom because they can help you in many ways with schoolwork.It helps with stress and anxiety and […]

Math Homework Isn’t the Only Homework with Negatives

Imagine you are a grade-school student. After six hours of classes in school, you have drama. This takes about two hours. You get home around five, take your dog for a jog, take a shower, do chores, and eat by seven. Already sleepy, you have nearly an hour of math homework, an essay to work […]

Why Continue? Free Essay Sample

Many students wonder why we have to learn things in school that won’t help later in life. For example, why do we have to learn about Shakespeare, spending lots of class time on that when we could be learning about getting jobs or how to pay taxes. Why can’t schools corporate with one another instead […]