College Essays

18 years

I look up from the boring school book. Just a couple more pages, I tell myself, and you’re done with final book of High School. I swivel my chair around and look out over my backyard. 18 years I had looked out of this window. 18 years I had played in this back yard. And […]


Dear Journal, 2/20/09 I think that guys have life much easier. I believe part of this is because girls gossip a lot more. While guys still have problems the positives outweigh the negatives. In my mind girls have life much harder. One problem for girls is cliques. There are probably over 50 cliques in our […]

New Stadium, New Ice Rink…Now We Need a Pool!

The Arrowhead pool has been here for 40 years. It has six lanes, is 25-yards long, and many freshmen remember the first time they stepped foot in the water. But despite the gym classes everyone hates, the pool is home to one of the most successful teams at Arrowhead: the swim team. Since the swim […]

Do You Think We Need History and Science STAAR Tests?

Do you think we need history and science staar texts?Some of the STAAR test are things we really don’t need to take like the history test or the science one. The history and the science test is not a big deal to me because we really don’t use them in the future. We don’t need […]

Budget Cuts Lead to Major Education Reform

With the pending education fiscal cuts, the White House and Congress have cooperated in creating a proactive initiative that is not only financially feasible, but will ensure quality education. Working with other members of the Committee on Education and the Workforce, Representative Michael Paulson has drafted the We Don’t Care about Our Children Act (WDCAOCA). […]

Mrs. Knight – Educator of the Year

There are many educators that work hard at their jobs for the students they love and want to see them succeed. The educator of the year must go beyond these ideals of an average teacher. A teacher that exceeds hard work and strives for her students’ excellence is Mrs. Knight. In the short time that […]

why students should not drop out

I had an argument with a high schooler the other day. He said that he works at Walmart and makes $6.00 an hour. He was thinking about dropping out. I said to him if he stays in school there are benefits like he would make $143 more per week than if he dropped out. He […]

My Thoughts On High School

So I’ve came to conclusion that high school is like a battle field. Walking down the halls your never to sure what your find lying around the bend. Everyone seems taller, smarter, thinner, prettier, and tanner than you. They seem to be having the times of their lives. Laughing, smiling, joking, despite the fact that […]

8th Grade Fever

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. The clock goes round and round, time flying by. You’re surrounded by all your friends and the people that make you laugh until you feel like you’ve done the sit-up test in gym and tears are your eyes. As you talk and talk, you realize this academic year has been the best […]

What Does it Mean to be a Global Citizen?

I think we don’t need to spend money at all to get a good start on exposing students to what it means to have global awareness! Global awareness is literally what it says, to be aware of the world and events in it, but it’s also so much more than that. In order to be […]

Free College Tuition

All throughout the world, many teenagers worry about graduating high school and furthering their education through college. They worry not only about being accepted to a college, but how they are going to find the funds to pay for it. Many students have the grades to be accepted into the more expensive schools that provide […]

Working Hard vs. Hardly Working

Many people believe that successful figures must be intelligent, confident, and creative, but some omit the necessity for a strong work ethic. In our society, people specifically associate great leaders with intelligence, but they sometimes fail to recognize the years of dedication and hard work those leaders have invested in order to become successful. Because […]

Best Teacher Ever

Educator of the Year is a big title and I couldn’t have thought of a better person to choose than my teacher Kevin Walker. He is a new teacher at my school; he has made me believe that going to school and learning can be fun, but not only does he make learning fun, he […]

Mysterious Cloud

Mysterious Cloud School work, school work, school work. Teachers seem to think we don’t get enough. We rarely get the time to relax. Even later in the afternoon, when school is out for the day, not every student gets a chance to cool down. As we grow up, we’re trying out for sports, and signing […]

Benefits of the Montessori System

As a daughter, a student, and an older sister, I have challenged others and been challenged myself. In each challenge I have received, three words have been present. I feel a small stab in my heart every time I hear the phrase, “Do your best.” Can my best ever be good enough? Will I ever […]

Credit This

Long practices plus long nights of homework is too much to deal with after school. Student athletes barely have time to get some sleep. When people are tired they are less focused during the day. This causes them to not be as good in school. There is a simple solution to this. High school sports […]

Is Homework Necessary?

Over the past few years, I’ve had a realization that something has been placed on my chest, altering my personality, forming a night owl. I remember summer as being this very short period of time, but during that short period of time I was able to go to sleep before midnight, relax, and my acne […]

We've Ruined Our Minds

We have ruined our minds. We have destroyed our hearts. Learning is a burden rather than a blessing, but we’ve only ourselves to blame. Haven’t you realized our education system has been destroying new minds rather than creating them? Haven’t our elders noticed this? It’s a fairly obtrusive phenomenon-our lack of will to do as […]

Mrs. Sherri Bell – Educator of the year contest

I nominate Mrs. Sherri Bell as the educator of the year. She is probably one of the best AP English teachers that have ever taught me. She’s strict yet; she has a very kind personality and is a fun teacher to be around. One very important lesson she taught me is to stop procrastinating on […]

What Counts

I’m so tired of everyone always complaining about their grades. “Oh my gosh, can you believe Miss So and So gave me a C?!”Be quiet!! If you don’t like your grades, then do something about it! I work my butt off for my grades, so I get good grades. A good work ethic is bound […]

How To avoid Drama

Have you been caught in some major, deep drama? Things you wish you could have avoided before? One of the main stresses of high school for teenage girls is drama. Drama can follow you everywhere and it is important to be prepared when it happens. Here are some ways that girls can avoid being caught […]

Creative Thinking

Should a mandatory creativity class be implemented into the American public school system? Creativity cannot simply be defined as one`s ability to critically come up with solutions to problems. Being creative doesn’t simply entail the potential to do well in a creative thinking class: it is much more. Creative people think outside of the box […]

Advice to the Fremd Student Body

Dear Fremd Students, As a student of William Fremd high school for about two and a half years, I would say that I am pretty well versed in the ways of the high school world. Sure enough, I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. And when I say ugly, I mean ugly. […]

Personal Expierence

In my opinion writing about your own experience allows you to tell the story in a way no other writing could compare to. The emotion that brings off a personal experience is stronger than the stillness at a funeral. It shows your back ground, your past and were you have come from. Writing a personal […]

Dress Code Violations

I am a female just on the cusp of turning 18. I have spent my years as a minor being regarded as a sex symbol by the public school system in my town. I have been taught that my body is something to be ashamed of, and that I should cover up on school grounds […]

5 Things to Know About Middle School

Everyone knows it’s hard transitioning from elementary school to middle school – except it’s not. New middle-schoolers are almost always stereotyped as helpless little babies who can’t do anything without 24/7 protection and guidance. That’s not entirely true. Every so often, there’s a handful of students who freeze under the built-up pressure of middle school, […]

BOOM Is the Shock

“Gimme my paper back James!” I yelled at him as I tried to reach for my papers. “Fine, I’ll just use yours.” I snatched his papers from his desk. ” OK OK!” Handing it back slowly we exchanged papers giggling quietly as the teacher shushed us and all the other students staring. Ten minutes later […]

The Isolation of the Gifted

Today, schools are helping set up the brightest students in the nation for failure. Why set back the most promising demographic of our youth? Education systems across the globe have recognized a need to create separate programs for “gifted” students. These students perform better than their peers academically and these programs enable them to push […]

A Reform to the Special Education Program

October 29, 2012 Mr. President 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President, Sue and Jim adopted two brothers from Guatemala, named Max and Marvin. But soon, they realized that something was wrong with their perfect sons. They weren’t maturing at the levels that they should be and Marvin, their four-year-old, could not […]

Are All Victims Of Bullying And Today?

Bullying is a big issue today in our society. You may not be the one getting bullied but there is kids out there today that are getting bullied and its getting out of hand to the point where people are hurting themselves. Last year in 2010 we always heard about kids getting bullied and how […]