College Essays
The Crucible – Fear, Lies and Accustions During the time of the Salem witch trials, you were either motivated to believe the crazy made-up stories the girls told about the workings of the devil, or you were to naive to accept the fact that a child could ever do something so unholy as to lie […]
The year is 2015. Location is a public high school. In this public high school, there is such thing called a dress code. The dress code is enforced to protect the students and the teachers at the school as well as to support the idea of dressing for success. Administrators and teachers are suppose to […]
Dr. John Eliot once said, “Great performers are, by definition, abnormal; they strive throughout their entire careers to separate themselves from the pack” when talking about overachievement. With a high class rank, involvement in several activities, and enrolled in all possible honors classes, one might say I would qualify as an overachiever.I grew up surrounded […]
I disagree with the students of America’s schools having to wear uniforms. I have worn uniforms all my life and it always bugged me because mainly, I do not see the point. Ya, I do agree that it makes look more sophisticated and more mature, but does looks really matter in the long run when […]
Can your intelligence really be shown on one piece of paper? Yes, find out on results day Can all my future hopes and dreams be shattered in one day? Yes, find out on results day Can I never become employed because I failed English and Math’s? Yes, find out on results day Is my life […]
Few people could argue against the improvements that technology has brought. We have instant contact with family and friends. We have global communication that benefits people and businesses. It would be difficult to find someone who has not been affected by such technology. But should we let it completely change our lifestyles? One place we […]
There are few feelings less droopy than the hangover that descends the morning after writing an essay until 1:00am. Not only have you stayed up late, your creativity is as dry as a desert at high noon. Every agonizing point you slowly drew out, hoping, praying, pleading with God that somehow you’ll squeeze 352 more […]
Is an action morally justifiable if it feels right? Sometimes it is. It all depends on the type of person acting, what that person has been taught by others, and many other factors. What if there’s no one around to see him/her and a person has to decide whether or not to steal? The person […]
Imagine that there are boys in girls in a physical education class. A group would form a team and they would compete upon different teams. Would it be easier for teams of the same gender, or mixed to compete on the same side?Many argue that competing with teams of the same gender helps accomplish work […]
Someone who thinks that education doesn’t matter or that going to college is a waste of time and money is someone who negates the value of life. Hearing these words causes me to think that the person who spoke these outrageous words was NOT thinking. Getting a good education these days is a must for […]
I believe in catching the common cold, the runny nose that just will not stop until your nose becomes raw. The headache that makes your head feel like a thousand pounds and the scratchy throat that transforms your voice akin to a grown mans. As a high school student our mind set is go go […]
The most important thing to me is education. Without education you can’t get any father in life. Education is very important to the future. School is so important to be successful. Everybody needs education to support there lively hood. My main reason I find school so important is because I want to be able to […]
I have gotten loads of different reactions from people when I tell them that I am homeschooled. Most of the time people don’t really know what to say about the fact for a minute or two. When they re-gather themselves they bombard me with questions like a river that finally broke its dam. So, do […]
In the big wide world? So at some point after all those years of education, exams, essays, work, you get to a point where everything you have worked for your whole life comes down to what you make of it. You have no guidance, no more input and you have to make a decision as […]
Even with GPAs higher than 4, entering into a college may be virtually impossible for some unfortunate students. Financial restraints hold many talented scholars from around the world back from receiving education. The question is, “Should college education be free or not?”. You may already know that many countries around the world already have made […]
Having single-sex education is under serious argument because people have different opinions on the topic. Some people say that single-sex schools are good for students and can help them with tests, social pressure, and feeling like themselves. While others argue that it is bad for our society because, it causes gender stereotypes, also it is […]
In my opinion, the school system is a load of crap. Just because I can memorize some useless information 10 minutes before a test and get an A, doesn’t mean I’m smart. There is so much more valuable knowledge out there that would also classify a person as “smart,” rather than being able to identify […]
Who would have ever thought technology would start to take over the classrooms. The new way of the future is having the teaching in the hands of the students. It slowly has made its way into almost every grade. If not by starting in one grade then going from there or by giving it to […]
Parents and grandparents always believe that they once were just as or more athletic, smart, and hard working than their kids are today. However, that is not the case as the bar of competition has been raised since the previous generations.Kids nowadays are fighting for a spot at top colleges as young as six years […]
Technology is a useful tool in our everyday life and is something that is growing at an electric rate. Chances are that you have some sort of technology within ten feet of you and that you have used in the last twenty four hours. Currently technology has found its way into schools across the world […]
EDP is a good idea for students to get work time and count as a class. Students need extra time to get projects and work done or take test/quizzes that they missed. Each student is assigned an EDP teacher their freshman year and has that same EDP teacher until their senior year is done. With […]
For the past few months that I have been in University Academy Charter High School, there has been only a few dress down days. I really haven’t really seen any dress down days. Wouldn’t it be great if we had dress down day every Friday? I believe that we should have dress down day every […]
I know years fron now, I’ll look back on high school with some degree of fondness, but as far as I can tell that’s along way off. High School (despite the commercials six flags airs) is the biggest roller coaster you’ll ever get on in your life. And I’m not talking metaphorically, either. With the […]
As I head down the narrow hallway of my high school, my ears are filled with the sounds of complaints. The students around me are constantly complaining about school. Whether it be the complaints of an early rise or the recently assigned project, it fills the air and makes it hard to breathe. In an […]
The concept of school and education is to learn and teach children important information for their futures. We claim to prepare students for their future endeavors and to enter the “real world”. Although, the “real world” involves activities and concepts such as taxes and bills while most higher education institutions do not offer a mandatory […]
You and three other people were asked by a researcher to assess an abstract art piece. This researcher wants a general consensus about how this particular image makes a viewer feel. You come to realize that each person, including yourself, is different from one another, thus the evaluation is detrimentally skewed. The four of you […]
Taylor was so excited about the dance at her school. You can dress up however you please. You can wear dresses so beautiful you can take people’s breath away. Taylor was ready thirty minutes before the dance. The dress code is a real problem with stores. Those two subjects do not fit well together in […]
Today, schools are helping set up the brightest students in the nation for failure. Why set back the most promising demographic of our youth? Education systems across the globe have recognized a need to create separate programs for “gifted” students. These students perform better than their peers academically and these programs enable them to push […]
Should bookstore prices be that high? Have you ever wondered were does the money of the bookstore go to? Students, including me, often think only about what benefits them. But sometimes, we have to dig deep to find the real value of things. There are a lot of things we don’t notice that make us […]
“Excuse me, you need to go put on a sweatshirt, your shoulder is being exposed.” This is what girls hear every day in ****** Middle School. “You need to go change out of your skirt.” “. ..but the rule is that you are allowed to wear a skirt if it is past your finger tips, […]