College Essays


Should our school continue to serve breakfast? That’s a question that might be floating around in the school board room. Now it seems like it’s getting hard to provide students with breakfast since the budget is so tight and some students eat breakfast at home. But there are those who don’t eat at home. Our […]

Unity Through Uniforms

Clothing and materialism have become extremely important in today’s world, and can result in prejudice and judgment, especially among children. This is why I believe that school uniforms should be required at every school campus, in order to prevent visible wealth divides, and hassle resulting from distractions to the learning environment. Clothing is a reflection […]


From thick computers, to thin laptops; technology is still developing. Technology has reached schools all over the world. In many ways technology has helped students understand the subjects and classes better. We interviewed Mr.Ortiz from MacArthur 9th grade school. After being asked if technology is an important source to students in all schools, he replied […]

Uses of a College Education

An incident or time in my life when I’ve experienced failure or disappointment would bemy freshman year in high school when I decided to try out for choir. I know its not a major event but to me it was the world. Even when I was young singing was all I wanted to do, my […]

Schools: Shooting for Academic Success, or Hoops Instead?

As the typical high school teenager, it’s obvious to note that writing a five-page essay isn’t exactly the epitome of “fun.” However, last week, while skimming through my documents to print out at my school, a small piece of paper taped to the computer caught my eye. It read: “We are running low on copy […]

Should Of Mice and Men Be Banned Worldwide?

Although Of Mice and Men is a literary classic, it is also a frequently banned book in many schools and libraries in the United States. This book has been either banned or challenged for over twenty years from a variety of different schools and libraries. John Steinbeck’s writing is taken to offense by many people, […]

The Hacker That Does Not Hack

My favorite educator is Ron Hacker. He works at the Newton School in Sterling, VA. He is my favorite educator because he fixes everything, drives the bus, and he also somehow manages to stay calm all the time. He also has a dog name, Misty. He fixes all the electronics in our school. He fixes […]

A Modest Length

What is the biggest issue at schools for students? Dress code. Everyone has a different take on this subject when it comes to knowing what is too strict of a dress code. What is too long, too short, too tight, or too loose? These are the questions most students, especially girls, ask themselves every morning […]

Delay for Which You Pay

I’m best under pressure. Sure, I want to scream my head off because I did this to myself, but it works. I procrastinate on just about everything. From this assignment to the very first one I did as a kid (except for in middle school, maybe just had a spark of ingenuity where I did […]

My School Experience

I was always a good student, and I usually enjoyed learning about things. I did very well on all my work throughout my early years of school. Unfortunately for me, when I got to high school, I began hating school with a passion. I still enjoyed to learn about things, but couldn’t stand the high […]

Teenage Stress

Everyone wants something from teenagers. They try but it’s seems as it’s never good enough. Teenagers have to wake up for school at six in the morning, after a night staying up late doing homework. Getting ready for school is a daily routine that brings anyone on stress. Teen girls would love go to school […]

My Take on Career Planning and What Everyone Needs to Consider the Most

I was at a point in my life where I really couldn’t make firm decisions and I didn’t know what I wanted. It affected my long term plans and that involved my career which was tough because I knew I had to make my decision already because basically, life wouldn’t wait for me.Life was moving […]

Too Many Kids

Almost every year, about 83% of high school kids graduate. I personally thought it lower from my perspective on school. I see many kids, including myself, get distracted from all that goes around in a big classroom. More kids in a class equals more distractions, interruptions, and gets class cut short. These are the everyday […]

Year Round Schooling

Hi! Would you like year round schooling? Well I do, because if you don’t have year round schooling, you might forget all of the stuff that you just learned! You might even have a break every 5 weeks which would be cool because you will be able to have more fun, kids will get an […]

Lunch Laws

Have you ever been agitated about the ridiculous rules that come with a “gourmet” school lunch? I have, and I know I’m not the only one. School lunch is ridiculously expensive, especially considering the quaity of the food. Recently, my school served us nachos for lunch. People actually paid $2.55 to get 10 chips, covered […]

More Time to Think

“You have three minutes left everyone!” my teacher exclaims. My eyes dart up to the clock and, to my disappointment, not much time is left to finish my test. I hurriedly flip the page to look at yet another set of problems that I have not even started. I clench my pencil and stare down […]

Does Dress Code Prevent Certain Events

Proven by many researchers that went on about the dress code topic when they first became popular was bullying or something of the sort. These dress codes were first established to make the school or club look more fancy and something you most likely didn’t know that these were also made to keep away sexual […]

High School Life on a Balance Beam

From this point on, our lives will be almost completely occupied by scheduled activities. When life gets busy, there is always something or someone we turn to – to complain, to find comfort, and to find our answer. I, personally, have many “escape buttons.” Some of them are 1) church, 2) music, 3) communication, and […]

Don't Rot Your Brain, Use It

Do you think books are better than movies? Well, I do. I appreciate that in books I use my brain, books can show different perspectives and views, and books have a more descriptive language than movies. These are just a couple of the reasons. One reason is that I use my brain when reading books. […]

Dress Up Clothes

Dear School Board, Wearing dress up clothes in school is a way to fix problems. In school I see people wearing egregious clothes that are inappropriate. Teachers are yelling at them every day for too much cleavage or to short of shorts because they can’t tolerate it. The kids don’t get impunity from the punishment […]

Freshmen: The Logic Behind the Stereotype

Ok, I know you’re probably not paying attention. I wouldn’t be. Who cares what a bunch of sophomores have to say? They don’t like us anyway. Well you’re right. We don’t like you. You’re freshman. You’re ‘below’ us. High school is a ladder and you just hopped on. Well guess what, it’s time you start […]

System Switch

School is such an important place. For 10 months of the year, students spend most of their days in school. Because of this, school should be fun. It should be new and exciting, yet there is barely any improvement in the school system. School, the main focus for most kids, has barely adapted to the […]

Ipod and cell phones in school

I strongly believe that Ipods and cell phones should be allowed to use during school hours. I believe this because It can really help both our students as our teaching staff. This is why I believe cell phones and ipods should be allowed to use during school hours. One of the many reasons for allowing […]

My Future Free Essay Example

Do I ever think of my future? Yes, all the time, ever since 6th grade i’ve always wanted to be a doctor but I could never decide what I want to be whether it be a neurosurgeon or a hematologist. In 7th grade I finally decided I want to be an anesthesiologist because they get […]

Don't Say No

There are billions of schools all around the world, each with hundreds of children. One of the most formidable problems in schools is bullying, ranging from verbal, physical and cyber-attacks. My belief is that a child’s appearance is one of the most common reasons for bullying. I strongly believe that if school uniforms where mandatory […]

Should There Be a Law Against Bullying?

Studies show that every seven minutes some one is bullied( NICHD,2001). Bullying has been around for along time but in the last decade it has been the worst it has ever been. Bullying has gotten so bad that states are considering laws against it. Many people think that it should not be a law because […]

Enough is Enough

Recently, President Obama has suggested shortening summer vacations, adding hours to the average school day, and making students go to school on Saturdays. The President’s major focus is to make us American students more competitive with students around the world. However, extending school time is destined to backfire. Lengthening time spent in school would have […]

The three types of people

Everyone in their lives has people who bug them. People who annoy the living daylights out of them. People whom they want to strangle until their eyeballs pop out of their heads. Everyone has them, I just happen to have more than most. It’s not that there are more people who are annoying that come […]

The Right Way to Fail High School

Take it from me, high school can be an extreme waste of time. I know, I’ve been here for almost four years now. My best advice to you is to just give up and fail. Honestly, it makes the most sense! Nobody wants to wake up before the sun is even up everyday knowing they’re […]

Enjoying this Climb

High school today functions as a transportation to the future college of our dreams. People forget that it’s not about the work that is the core of this period of our lives – it’s the journey we begin and the experienced and mature adults ready to step into the real world we become on the […]